Questions for reflection on the past year and planning for the New Year

Questions for reflection on the past year and planning for the New Year

I find December to be a wonderful time to reflect on the past year, and dream up possibilities for the one ahead.

I've been brainstorming a list of questions that might help guide meditation and reflection on the past year and support planning for the new year, and thought I'd share it here. 

For me it's not so much about making 'new year's resolutions' per se. I prefer to think in terms of growth and learning about some of our spiritual qualities (like joy, kindness, courage or compassion to name but a few examples), and how to incorporate those into my life.

Reflection questions for the New Year

1. What have been some or the greatest blessings of this year? 

  • What spiritual qualities have I learned from these blessings? Maybe gratitude, peace, or hope?

  • What insights have I gained through these blessings?

2. What have been some of the greatest challenges this year?

  • What personal growth opportunities have come from those challenges?

  • What spiritual qualities have I learned from these challenges? Maybe courage, contentment, or trust?

3. What spiritual virtues would I like to explore and learn more about in this coming year? Faith, truthfulness, discernment?

4. What new skill would I like to learn this year? Maybe how to crochet? How to ski? How to grow herbs?

5. Are there friendships or relationships I’d like to deepen or mend this year? How do I go about doing that?

6. What goals do I have in my professional life? Are there opportunities for growth in my work?

7. How can I be of service in my community? Are there opportunities for me to engage with a community I care about and how do I go about making those connections?

8. Are there projects from the previous year that have been left unfinished?

  • Do I want to continue working towards finishing them? Or is it timely to let them go?

  • If I feel called to finish them, what are next steps towards completion?

Even though this can be a busy time of the year, I hope these guiding questions will be useful and that you will find some time for reflection and dreaming. 

As you engage with this process, remember to come up with a plan to check in with your reflections regularly. Maybe journal about them once a month or even quarterly; review where you're at with your hopes and dreams, and allow yourself the space to make changes, and adjust as your year evolves. 

Wishing you all a joyous and prosperous 2020!

Voyage Denver article: "Meet Trailblazer Jennifer Stevenson"

Voyage Denver article: "Meet Trailblazer Jennifer Stevenson"

Injection Therapy to support detox, and treat stress, fatigue and pain

Injection Therapy to support detox, and treat stress, fatigue and pain