More tools to build resilience: Gratitude program

More tools to build resilience: Gratitude program

Last month I wrote about establishing a mindfulness practice, and how prayer, meditation, breathing, yoga, and journaling can help build resilience against some of the negative forces at play in the world.

If you missed it, here is a link to that post.

Since I posted that blog, I’ve had wonderful conversations about mindfulness and spirituality with several of you, and it is so inspiring to see how universal the sense of peace, “groundedness” and comfort is that comes from these spiritual practices.

I have learned that just as we need to nourish our bodies with healthy foods, movement, and rest, we also need to nourish our souls with meditation, prayer, and spiritual practices.

To continue with this exploration, I would like to share a great resource I came across on the Mayo Clinic’s wellness website. It offers 4 free self-guided programs focused on improving different aspect of our health and wellness, and I think the “Discover Gratitude” program especially could be another resource to help build resilience and foster a positive outlook.

Below is the link to the Mayo Clinic’s wellness programs, and a description of the Gratitude Program from their website:

Link to the Mayo Clinic's Wellness Programs:

Discover Gratitude

"Having a positive outlook in life can improve your mental well-being and health. Sharing kindness and being mindful support this positive shift. During this monthlong program, you'll journal daily about thankfulness, mindfulness, and kindness on provided journal sheets."

The other free programs the Mayo Clinic offers are:

The health benefits of gratitude & kindness

The health benefits of gratitude & kindness

Building resilience through mindfulness

Building resilience through mindfulness