Living an intentional life

Living an intentional life

I recently came across a resource called the "Tiny Survival Guide" from the Trauma Stewardship Institute and it was such a lovely and timely reminder of the elements of living an intentional, meaningful life. I am sharing it below and hope that you find it as helpful as I did.

Protect your mornings (or whenever you wake up) - a slower more intentional pace in the morning helps keep cortisol lower during the day

Go outside - to gain perspective and context by connecting with something larger than yourself

Be active - avoid stagnation in body, mind and spirit

Cultivate relationships - those that are healthy and edifying

Nurture gratitude - identify one thing that is going well right now. Do this several times a day, or maybe every morning and evening for a lasting perspective shift

Detox - limit news and social media. Try a gentle cleanse or simplify your diet. If you are navigating an addiction, be wise and safe

Spend time with animals - it will help lower stress levels and bring a sense of comfort

Metabolize all your experiences - process things as they come up to keep your nervous system regulated

Simplify - less is more! Be aware of decision fatigue and cognitive overload

Admire art - to give you a feeling of being transported

Laugh - pure humor is a sustaining force

Foster humility and extend grace - self-righteousness and hubris aren't helpful

Sleep - protect and prioritize your sleep - it's the time your body and brain is cleansed and repaired

Clarify intentions - identify how you can contribute meaningfully and refrain from causing harm

Be realistic and compassionate - with yourself and others. The quality of your presence will influence your interactions

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