What constitutes a balanced life?

What constitutes a balanced life?

I recently returned to some of the questions I reflected on in preparation for 2020, and which I shared in my post Questions for reflection on the past year and planning for the New Year, because I wanted to check in and see how things were going with the intentions I had set for myself.

When I returned to my reflections, I noticed that there were specific themes that emerged; things that are important to me regardless of whether they related to my work, my relationships or my spiritual life. I also noticed that these themes were some of the values that help me feel that I’m living a balanced life.

Of course, the quest for living in balance is a life-long pursuit and not a fixed destination, but I think there are specific components that need to find expression to feel a level of satisfaction and wholeness in our life.

Connection – feeling a sense of love, appreciation and connection in our relationships with our family, friends, and colleagues; and investing in these relationships to deepen those connections

Inspiration and creativity – making time to engage with things that inspire us and lift our spirits; whether that be in creating and making or appreciating and taking in art, music, literature and other expressions of beauty

Service – being involved with something that takes us out of our own life, being there for others, working for the common good, expressing service through the intention and attitude we bring to our work

Spiritual practice – making time for meditation, prayer, or worship; cultivating inner stillness through a spiritual practice helps us connect with our higher purpose and hear our inner truth

Movement – our bodies are meant to move, but for most of us our day-to-day life is very sedentary, and making time for cardiovascular exercise, stretching and lengthening, and being active outdoors is essential for our well-being; learning how to find joy in these activities is what will keep us motivated to integrate this practice on an ongoing basis

Healthy living – choosing whole foods instead of processed foods, eating moderately, refraining from alcohol, cigarettes or drugs, having a clean home environment, supporting your body with acupuncture, massage or other modalities when necessary – all these things support balance in our physical being

I hope that you find expression in each of these areas, and look forward to having a conversation on what constitutes a balanced life when I see you again. 

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