Fall is for 'spring cleaning'

Fall is for 'spring cleaning'

How about some "fall-cleaning"? We're all familiar with the idea of "spring-cleaning", but did you know that the autumn months are another great time to declutter and do some deep cleaning? From a Chinese Medicine perspective, that's because fall is associated with letting go and preparing for winter.

Below are excerpts from a great article on this theme by acupuncturist Lauren Becker, who writes for the Chinese herbal company DOA Labs.

We’re all familiar with spring cleaning, but from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, fall is a perfect time to de-clutter and tidy up! Here’s why.

Fall welcomes the Metal Element. In Five Element theory, each element (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood) has special associations with particular areas of life, certain emotions, personalities, shapes, colors, seasons, and organ systems in the human body. Understanding the five elements allows us to bring harmony in our home and in ourselves.

The Metal Element is all about a lesson in letting go.

Fall is a season of transition, the time in between summer and winter, when Yang transforms to Yin. You can see this transformation happening in the environment: leaves fall off the trees and the days are shorter and cooler. Resonating with the energy of the season, it’s natural to feel that urge to transform our own living space, as well.


After the growth of spring (Wood), the abundance of summer (Fire), and the harvest of late summer (Earth), we come to fall (Metal), a time to decrease. When summer transitions to fall, we can feel the weight of excess accumulation in the form of mental and physical clutter. Decluttering our space will help to let go of excess and find levity in our space.


Following the long summer days, fall brings back routine and structure. The school year begins, summer travel ends, and its back to the day planner. The Metal Element thrives with structure, organization, and methodical planning. … Decreasing clutter invites the space necessary to fosters ideas, set goals, do some planning, and prepare for big projects.


Fall is the season when the Qi (energy) moves inward, and days become shorter and darker. Grief is part of the Qi of the season: there is decay in nature, and a strong sense of letting go as nature prepares for new life. Cleaning out our closets can allow feelings of sadness and loss to move through in a healthy way.


The lungs and the large intestine are the organ systems associated with the metal element and the fall season. The lungs are about inspiration, and the large intestine is about elimination. ...

Staying in sync with the seasons, we can bring this theme of inspiration and letting go into our home in fall. What is valuable, what is not? ... How do you create a space that inspires you? ... Can you let go of excess and things that are no longer needed, and tackle spaces that make you feel weighed down? ... When we hold on to things for too long, there is lack of movement and change, and the Qi (energy) in our home becomes stagnant and we can feel stuck. ...

Fall clean-up can be a time for cleaning out your closets, creating a space where you feel inspired, a space where you can BREATHE, a space that feels lighter, and a space that fosters the Qi of ideas and creativity to flow.

Click here for the complete article.

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