B12 booster shots for SAD

B12 booster shots for SAD

Vitamin B-12 is an important vitamin that helps make our DNA, supports healthy blood cells, and aids nervous system function.

As the days get shorter some people start noticing the effects of seasonal affected disorder (SAD). Supplementing with B12 during the fall can help with the severity of the low mood and low energy associated with it.

What are signs of vitamin B-12 deficiency?

  • Tiredness and weakness

  • Constipation

  • Nerve problems, such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet

  • Depression or low mood

  • Confusion or poor memory

  • Soreness of the mouth or tongue

A course of treatment to replenish B12-stores is usually one to four injections. They can be added to any acupuncture appointment or you can stop by for a quick shot on its own - just check in with me first to make sure I'm at the office.

I hope you have a lovely fall and look forward to supporting you through this seasonal change.

Resource: Living will & medical power of attorney documents

Resource: Living will & medical power of attorney documents

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